Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

Originally, Myriam Francois Cerrah Learning Koran to Attack Her friend Opinions

Myriam Francois Cerrah

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON - For Myriam Francois Cerrah, the Qur'an is the culmination of philosophical contemplation.Qur'an are later delivered it on Islam. Oxford University graduate student of Middle Eastern politics is embraced Islam in 2003 at age 21.

In fact, the philosophy graduate of Cambridge University graduate is starting to open the Koran to "angry". He discussed about the Lord with college friends. The friend, using the argument of the divinity as that which is stipulated in the concept of Islam. "I studied it as part of an effort to prove my friend's opinion that a Muslim is wrong," he said.

Then he began reading with a more open mind. The opening of Al-Fatiha, with the address for all mankind, mencengangkannya. "In Islam, all human actions, he alone will bear the consequences. That is the importance he took the straight path, the path of God," he said.

In a world governed by relativism, he says, then there are only two guidelines: a moral objective and the foundation of morality. "As someone who always has an interest in philosophy, the Koran feels like the culmination of all my philosophical musings. This combined Kant, Hume, Sartre and Aristotle. Somehow managed to answer the deep philosophical questions posed during the centuries of human existence and answer one of the most fundamental, "why are we here?" he said.

About the Prophet Muhammad, Cerrah recognize him as a man who was tasked with an important mission, like his predecessors, Moses, Jesus and Abraham.

The longer he studied the Koran, the greater the desire to embrace Islam. Original purpose, to argue his argument, turned into a confession, "You're right about your religion!"

Not wanting to waste time, he immediately bersyahadat. "Some of my closest friends do their best to support me and understand my decision. I remain very close to some of my childhood friends and through them I recognize the universality of the Divine message, that the values ​​of God shines through good deeds of man, Muslim or not, "he said.

He said the conversion of his faith not as a "reaction" of, or opposition to Western culture. "On the contrary, it is a validation of what I always think," he said, while criticizing some of the mosques in Britain are to close the door dialogue about the divinity and too dogmatic. "Note: rules and protocol that they a lot of confusing and even stressful."

I did not immediately identify with the Muslim community. I find many things strange and confusing a lot of attitude.Attention is given to the outside top to the continued problem I was.

According to him, is the duty of Muslims to make Islam appear not as a foreign religion. And now, he becomes a part of Tutut carry out the task. "Being a Muslim, does not mean we lost all trace of ourselves. Islam is a validation of good in us and means to improve the bad," he said.

Jill: Being a Muslim is This Thing in My Life Journey


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, he asks Jill just called. Embraced Islam several years ago, he has steadily become Muslim. "God willing, Islam will I bring to death to pick up," he said. Here's his story about his choice in Islam: 

"As a teenager, I was moonlighting in a restaurant owned by Palestinians. Yes, the owner was a Muslim. This is my first time, American-born white adolescents, contact with Muslims. He was pious. He treats employees with a" heart ". He welcomed everyone only with friendly, bersalamaan. He is very different from the Muslims that I know. 

Sign in college, I decided to choose a department history middle east. Here, I know more jauhtentang Islam from a historical perspective. Who is spreading the teachings of Islam, how he is, what the contents of his teachings, and so on.My heart is increasingly captured in Islam. But that has not been decided adopt Islam. 

On the way then, I became acquainted with a young man who introduced me to Islamic Sufism. Of the youth who later became my husband, I conclude one thing about Islam: religion of logic and knowledgeble. One word that I always remember: "Jill, Islam is a religion of logic. He is not only a religion but a way out for life." 

And I prove it. Every time there is a problem, Islam led me to calm down and get out of the problem. Islamic teachings can also be accepted sense. In fact, for example, for trifles jilbabpun why women should wear, no logical reason that can be accepted sense. 

I decided berislam not by blindly. I study it first. I am very cautious person. Yes, a husband who introduced me further on Islam, but his opinion is not set in stone for me. I still follow Islamic education classes, ask other friends, and so on.Basically, I keep learning. 

Embrace Islam is the most beautiful thing in my life journey. Insha Allah, I will take him till death picked up. Berislam, not just say the shahada, is finished. Insha Allah, I will continue to learn about Islam, improve and continue to keep my faith.Insha Allah, may Allah always guide me. "

By Discovering Islam, Anna Stamou Real So "Patients" of Philosophers

Anna Stamou

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID , ATHENS - One of the leading Muslim international awards in Europe recently given to a Greek woman.Public relations manager of the Muslim Association of Greece, Anna Stamou, regarded as one of 10 Muslim women with great influence and the most positive in Europe. 

Originator of the award, is the European Muslim Professionals Network (cedar), which is supported by the Institute of Strategic Dialogue, also known as the "Three Club". Award ceremonies conducted late last year in Madrid, Spain. 

Not many know, six years ago he was a convert to Islam. He found Islam after wrestling with the anxiety itself. 

"My search was long, I always look for an answer. In my search of the truth, I can not get a satisfactory answer," he said, about his inner journey. 

Since high school, Anna had a high interest in science. In these subjects, he was always superior. Impact, in finding answers to her inner uncertainty, he was playing logic. 

"So, I consulted to several schools of philosophy, meet many philosophers. I dealt deeply with Pythagoras," he explained smiling. 

During this search, she met her husband now. At that time, they are both joined as a volunteer organization Doctors of the World, during the war in Iraq. From this man, he finds a lot of knowledge about Islam. 

However, he did not receive raw omongannya. Anna began researching deeper teachings. "I think it's because of the knowledge I gained from the school that Islam is a religion inferior and distorted. Islam although it has given me an answer, I said to myself that I should learn more about this religion," he said. 

In Greece, Islam is often confused with Turkey. The reason is, most Muslims in Greece came from Turkey. Islamic books, generally use their own language. "Although there are thousands of Muslim Greeks, I do not understand why no book published in Greek," he said. He studied Islam from books written in English and French. 

He's lucky to have a transition from the old religion to Islam was accompanied by a receipt from the family and friends. "I have not seen a negative reaction. Some people may have questions, but never have a negative tendency," he said, who claimed to be happy to explain his new religion. 

On the other hand, he also maintains relations with those of different religions as well, including his family. "Now I wear the hijab, and not a problem for them," he said. He will also be present in the middle of her family as they celebrate religious holidays. 

"Hijab is part of faith. Remember, only a part, you can choose to follow or not. It is your choice," he said. He said the Western public opinion is wrong to equate the headscarf as a symbol of female oppression. "Hijab is a matter of choice. I support those who fight for their right to wear it." 

He said the basis of all problems is for peaceful coexistence and tolerance. "During Ramadan, we eat together with our Christian friends, this is something that is not easily found in Europe. Also, my daughter loved and excited for Christmas. They also exist in the family Easter event," he added. 

At Eid al-Fitr, the same thing done to him. In fact, his students took turns to greet and hug him. "I was fortunate to be part of Greece. Democracy is here," said chemistry professor at two universities this Greek.

Subhanallah ... Through the Internet, They Learn to Islam, Then Being a new convert

Propagation can be done via the internet. Illustration

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Jeddah - He was only 18 years. He lives with his mother in a small town in the United States. About to leave on vacation and trips abroad, he flew to Saudi Arabia and declared kislamannya in the country. 

"He's still here for a vacation," said Majed Al-Osaimi, director www.edialogue.org, the mission visited the website of Western public who are interested in Islam. 

Speaking to Arab News, he said a teenager, who was studying in the United States, also accepted Islam as a new religion after chatting with a daiyah relating to the website. 

"The girl has gained some knowledge about Islam and clearing all doubts for 20 minute conversation with our missionary workers and said he wanted to immediately bersyahadat," said Al-Osaimi. 

He said the site, which was founded in March of this year, has been instrumental in Islamize 119 people from different nationalities. Now they continue to establish contacts with these new Muslims to perform online guidance. 

He predicted that the numbers will increase rapidly, given the current response of the virtual congregation. "Every one or two days, there is one person who accepted Islam as their religion through our website," he explained. 

Al-Osaimi also asked other Muslims in the West to teach their children about Islam at an early age. "That's their job to take her children on the basis of Islamic culture and tradition," he said. 

He said he also had contacted her and discovered that he had learned a lot about Islam from a different source. 

"He asked some very important questions about Islam," he added. The girl also wanted to learn Arabic to read and understand the Koran in its original language. 

He said those Indian nationals who are the majority of new converts become Muslim states through a website based in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. 

He explained that the site is run by 11 staff all of whom are volunteers and full-time workers. Those who embraced Islam through this site comes from the UK, France, Australia, North America, Philippines, Romania, Nigeria, and Cameroon. 

More than 90 thousand people have so far participated in the web chat rooms to them. 

"We have plans to expand the web sites included in dozens of languages," he said.

Nuh Ha Mim Keller Interested in Islam for More Whole and Perfect

Nuh Ha Mim Keller

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CHICAGO - Nuh Ha Mim Keller's renowned as an expert in Islamic law. In fact, he ditabalkan became a leading theologian and expert on Sufism in the West. Keller was a row of books translated into English. Behind all the accomplishments that, who would have thought, he is a devout Roman Catholic who later converted to Islam.
Keller was born in 1954 in the Northwestern United States (U.S.). He then studied philosophy and Arabic at the University of Chicago and University of California, Los Angeles. He claims raised in a farming area in families embrace devout Roman Catholic.
"Since childhood, the church provides a spiritual nature that is not denied, which is more real than the physical nature that is around me. However, I was growing up, my relationship with religion was sertamerta creates problems, in creed or charity," he was quoted in a book case of the MoonCrescent in Upper Statue of Liberty.
Since childhood, he tried to read the Bible. However, when reading it, he said the holy book was rambling and did not have a coherent composition."So that makes it difficult those who want to make it as a way of life," said Keller. His views on religion that inherited their parents were more open when he started to go to college.
"When I go to university, I knew that the authenticity of the scriptures, especially the New Testament, is really questionable and is a product of modern hermeneutic study of the Christians themselves," he said. Curiosity tehadap truth religion is very high. He then read a translation of Norman Perrin on The Problem of the Historical Jesus by Joachim Jeremias, one of the leading New Testament scholars of this century. This was done in order to understand contemporary theology.
Keller also began to be affected by the views Jeremias and the German theologian, Rudolph Bultmann, who stated that writing a biography of Jesus is an impossible dream. According to them, the actual life of Christ can not be reconstructed from the New Testament decisively.
"If this is recognized by the adherents of Christianity and one of the renowned textual expertise, then what will be said by his enemies?" Keller said. He then studied philosophy at university. According to him, philosophy teaches us to ask two things against anyone who claims to have kebenaranApa do you mean? And, how do you know? He also filed a second question on the Roman Catholic tradition dianutnya."However, I found no answers and I was aware that Christianity has been released from my hand. I, too, then began a search that might not be popular with most young people in Baratyakni looking for the meaning behind the world is not meaningful," said Keller.
In search of the truth of this, she then began to recognize the Koran. Initially, he only read the translations of the Koran. Keller admitted to not so interested in the translation of the Qur'an. He was just curious about the Koran in Arabic.
"I know the original book (the Koran) who speak Arabic have recognized the beauty and eloquence among the various religious books of mankind. I am determined to learn Arabic for reading the original, "he explained. He also decided to learn Arabic at Chicago.
Within a year, he managed to learn the grammar with good grades. Even so, he still feels lacking. Keller finally decided to study Arabic in Cairo, Egypt. In Egypt, Keller admitted to emukan something that really took him to Islam.
"That is a sign of pure monotheism in its adherents, is far more surprised than anything I've ever seen before," said Keller. In the land of the pyramids, he met many Muslims, ranging from good to bad.
While in Egypt, there is an experience that is memorable in the hearts of Keller. Once, there was a man on the edge of the Nile River near the park Muqyas. The place is usually passed. He also approached the man.Apparently he was praying on a piece of cardboard, with her face to the other side of the water.
Initially, Keller claims will pass in front of him. However, the intention was diurungkannya. He chose to turn and walk behind the man who was praying it was because did not want to disturb. "I saw a man absorbed in his relationship with God, oblivious to my presence."
He also had met a teenager in Cairo. The boy then say hello to Keller near the Khan al-Khalili. Students who sit in middle school who speaks English was telling him about Islam. He explained about Islam could. "When we parted, I think she prayed for me to become Muslim," he said.
While in Cairo, Keller claimed to have a friend who came from Yemen. He always asks his friend to take the Qur'an and teach him to learn Arabic.Staying in a hotel room where there was no table. Thus, the Qur'an laid Keller near the books lined up on the floor.
See Keller save the Koran on the floor, his friend then leaned over and picked it up. "It glorifies the Qur'an. It impressed me because I know he is less obedient to practice the religion, but still looks the influence of Islam against him," said Keller.
While in Egypt, Keller admitted experiencing a lot of events and experiences. After removing the dianutnya Roman Catholic religion, he preferred to irreligious while. Under conditions of no religion that is, his mind is always racing.
He realized too that a man must be religious. At that time, he began to impress on the religious influence of Islam on the lives of Muslims. Keller assess the Islamic religion is so noble goal. "I became increasingly attracted to Islam because its expression is more complete and more perfect."
Keller also gave thoughtful. Until finally, he realized that Islam is a religion of perfect roads. Religion is the most comprehensive and easy to understand to practice this in everyday life. He also really fall in love with Islam.
Until finally, a friend in Cairo to ask questions, "Why have you not become a Muslim?" Upon hearing the question, Keller has been believed that Allah has created her to be a part of Islam. "Islam is really enriches its followers, from the heart of the most simple to the most brilliant intellectuals. One becomes a Muslim not through tin engaged in acts of mind or the will, but solely through love of God," he said. Keller also said two sentences creed and became a Muslim in 1977 in Cairo, Egypt. Until finally, he became a leading thinker and scholar. Islam in Nuh Ha Mim Keller's view By Heri Ruslan Keller is an expert on Islamic law that recognized his greatness by a leading cleric Abd al-Shaghouri alRahman. No wonder if Keller was recognized as a sheikh in the tariqa tawasuf Shadhili. He settled in Amman, Jordan. He is known as a scholar and thinker of Islam in the modern age.
Then, what he thinks about the condition of Muslims today? Shaykh Nuh Ha Mim Keller argues that the plight of political Islam today is not an Islamic religious humiliation, or place it on a low position in the natural order of world ideologies.
"I view it as a low phase in a broader historical turnover. Foreign hegemony of Islamic countries has never happened before," he explained. According to him, Islamic civilization had slipped on harubiru destruction from the invasion of the Mongols in the 13th century AD
At that time, he said, the Mongols sacked the towns and set up a pyramid of human heads from the deserts of Central Asia to the heart of Islamic lands."After that, fate has led to the Ottoman Empire to raise the word of Allah SWT, and make it a political reality that berlan thrilling sung for centuries," he said.
According to him, this is the time to encourage contemporary Muslims to fight for new crystallization history of Islam, something that might be coveted mankind.

Reflections on new convert Lucy Bushill-Mathews: We Can not Force People to Sign In or Out of Islam

Lucy Bushill-Matthews

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON - Lucy Bushill-Matthews, a Muslim convert and mother of three children, bringing new treasures in the Islamic world. He was educated woman, and likes to write. Some writings are recorded, the latest about everyday things become Muslim, which was translated in the Indonesian language by publisher Lantern Heart became "ME AN MUSLIMAH Muallaf: Funny and Sad Story of Being Muslim in the Land of Europe".
To the Women Emel magazine, he wrote reflections about berislam choice.Here are his thoughts:
The latest news is about bersyahadatnya Lauren Booth, Tony Blair-in-law.Muslims almost universally pleased that the 'sister' Others have chosen to embrace Islam. Although recognized Booth: lots of love and many people do not like his choice.
The Qur'an upholds the principle: "There is no compulsion in embracing Islam." (2:256) of Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 states: "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religious guidance." This includes the freedom to choose religion, freedom to choose how to live our lives with faith as a guiding compass, the freedom to raise our children in the skeleton, and - from the point of controversy - the freedom to leave that religion.
When the Prophet Muhammad began to preach to the people around her 610 years, only he himself as a Muslim. Although there has been throughout the history of the Muslims (with 'm' small), literally means people who believe in God, but no one believes in complete credo, "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger."
In this era, every Muslim after Muhammad are converts. Muslims rejoice when other people accept Islam, and polytheistic tribal leaders of Quraysh became increasingly agitated, at one point drove the whole Muslim community into a barren valley for three years.
Today, change is greeted with mixed reaction, although without the same koreaksi asked if there is a new Muslim. Each vying to find out why he accepted Islam. I was impressed with the answers Yusuf Islam aka Cat Stevens every time I asked about why he converted to Islam, "Well why do you follow Islam? I am a Muslim for the same reason as you."
Unfortunately, many Muslims who do not realize, why he is Muslim. Many Muslims who become Muslims simply because their parents were Muslim.
However, it is natural for parents to choose to raise them in their own faith.Unfortunately, if we have strict cultural education, this can be confused with and blame everything on our religion. (Actually, maybe that parenting parents wrong, red).
My children have protested at the way I educate them, who tried to incorporate moral values ​​and customs as well as the theological basis of Islam. "I want to have my free will," said my daughter who turned pre-teen, when depressed by urging parents to make sure his room tidy. "My life would be much better if I'm not a Muslim," he continued. "Islam told I should pray and feed the rabbits, reading the Qur'an and tidy my room."
My son who was eight years old was also strongly believe in personal freedom. He wrote in diarinya, "It makes me sad I have to do anything I was told to do so. I'm happy if I get anything I want."
We definitely have to acknowledge and respect the choice of our own children. I have been asked several times by people, some of them Muslims, "When are you going to make your child wear the hijab?" As if the problem is in my hands, instead of a very personal choice.
My oldest child, she had decided she wanted to make their own choices."When I grow up," he said, "I'll look at all religions and see where the most sense to me." I can only hope he is a 'researcher' best and jelly, though as a Muslim, it's natural that I hope he chose Islam.
A recent case in the U.S. involve adolescents Fatimah Rafiqah Barry who chose Christianity, then fled from Muslim parents. He said he would be killed if he returned. But it says in the Qur'an (4: 80) "And those who turn away, we have not sent you as their guardian."
Ubaydallah ibn Jahsh the time of the Prophet to leave Islam and embrace Christianity. He is free to live as a Christian until he died. We may not agree with her choice, but in this case, each person ultimately responsible to God, and not for others.
The Qur'an challenges us, "If you have a will of your Lord that all the people in the world should be believers, then everyone on earth will believe!"(10:99)
I can only continue to pray, I hope my children continue to grow in faith, and when large, still choose Islam as their religion.

Lucy Bushill-Matthews, is the author of Welcome to Islam - a Convert's Tale and now manages several Islamic schools in England.