Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

Originally, Myriam Francois Cerrah Learning Koran to Attack Her friend Opinions

Myriam Francois Cerrah

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON - For Myriam Francois Cerrah, the Qur'an is the culmination of philosophical contemplation.Qur'an are later delivered it on Islam. Oxford University graduate student of Middle Eastern politics is embraced Islam in 2003 at age 21.

In fact, the philosophy graduate of Cambridge University graduate is starting to open the Koran to "angry". He discussed about the Lord with college friends. The friend, using the argument of the divinity as that which is stipulated in the concept of Islam. "I studied it as part of an effort to prove my friend's opinion that a Muslim is wrong," he said.

Then he began reading with a more open mind. The opening of Al-Fatiha, with the address for all mankind, mencengangkannya. "In Islam, all human actions, he alone will bear the consequences. That is the importance he took the straight path, the path of God," he said.

In a world governed by relativism, he says, then there are only two guidelines: a moral objective and the foundation of morality. "As someone who always has an interest in philosophy, the Koran feels like the culmination of all my philosophical musings. This combined Kant, Hume, Sartre and Aristotle. Somehow managed to answer the deep philosophical questions posed during the centuries of human existence and answer one of the most fundamental, "why are we here?" he said.

About the Prophet Muhammad, Cerrah recognize him as a man who was tasked with an important mission, like his predecessors, Moses, Jesus and Abraham.

The longer he studied the Koran, the greater the desire to embrace Islam. Original purpose, to argue his argument, turned into a confession, "You're right about your religion!"

Not wanting to waste time, he immediately bersyahadat. "Some of my closest friends do their best to support me and understand my decision. I remain very close to some of my childhood friends and through them I recognize the universality of the Divine message, that the values ​​of God shines through good deeds of man, Muslim or not, "he said.

He said the conversion of his faith not as a "reaction" of, or opposition to Western culture. "On the contrary, it is a validation of what I always think," he said, while criticizing some of the mosques in Britain are to close the door dialogue about the divinity and too dogmatic. "Note: rules and protocol that they a lot of confusing and even stressful."

I did not immediately identify with the Muslim community. I find many things strange and confusing a lot of attitude.Attention is given to the outside top to the continued problem I was.

According to him, is the duty of Muslims to make Islam appear not as a foreign religion. And now, he becomes a part of Tutut carry out the task. "Being a Muslim, does not mean we lost all trace of ourselves. Islam is a validation of good in us and means to improve the bad," he said.

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